10 Stylish Cosplays for Conventions

There are several cosplays out there but some stand above others. What do I mean by this? Well, it’s simple, some cosplays are absolutely stylish. Several cosplays fit into this category and take tons of time to build. Others are simple yet elegant and always grab attention no matter where they are displayed. Today, I want to take a look at 10 of the most stylish cosplays that are sure to turn heads in 2021. I will try to find links to all of the costumes but some of them may require you to section off a few months of the year in order to build.  

Erza Scarlet Heavens Wheel

Wallpaper By Sakimichan

First up we have the Heavens Wheel armor by Erza scarlet. This extremely stylish armor granted Erza the ability to fly along with a near-infinite amount of swords. The armor is made almost entirely of silver so feel free to make your cosplay as accurate as possible lol. Silver is going for about 25 dollars per ounce so just add up how many ounces the cosplay is, multiply it by 25 and you have the cost of your materials. 


How could you forget the older brother to the ever so popular character Inuyasha. Unlike Inuyasha, Sesshomaru is a full-blooded demon and is obviously extremely powerful. Many think it’s due to his blood but it’s actually because of his stylish outfit. His choice of attire is much more elaborate and elegant than Inuyasha. His right shoulder has fur while his left shoulder has armor. He also has a yellow sash around his waist which completely accents his white attire.  

Violet Evergarden

This outfit is not as lavish as Erzas or Sesshomarus but it’s still extremely stylish. The dress is white with a blue coat and looks amazing when cosplayed. You can see this cosplay in action over on stellaranebulas page. Make sure you grab the matching wig with this cosplay as it really comes together once all assembled. 

Lelouch of the Rebellion

This was definitely one of the best animes I have ever watched as his genius-level intellect really keeps the series going. Lelouch of the Rebellion also sports an extremely stylish outfit while plotting his devious schemes. His black attire with dark blue or purplish trench coat accompanied by its exaggerated collar stands in a league of its own. To top it off, he also wears a black helmet that has a retractable eye slot for conquering his opponents.  

Bakugou Katsuki

Bakugou Katsuki By SpukyCat

Bakugou Katsuki has become extremely popular and very well known in the anime world. His stylish grenade modified outfit has been a staple at conventions ever since its release. Every piece of this cosplay is both stylish and lavish. His grenade gauntlets and even mask are both extremely exaggerated which makes him look all the more badass. If you figure out a way to mix in a bit of nitroglycerine with your cosplay you’re act will certainly be explosive. 

Diamond Is Unbreakable

Jotaro Kujo is one of the most nonchalant and calm characters to exist within Jojo’s bizarre adventure. Before switching to his all-white outfit, he of course sported the black outfit with an enormous complimentary chain. But ever since he leveled up his stand, he switched to the pure white suit that never seems to get stains. They also decided to match it with purple and gold which surprisingly looks really good. 


Don’t tell me you have forgotten about shaman king. Actually, I went back to watch this anime again and really could not get into it. I guess my anime taste has changed since being a child. But, one thing that remains the same is that Amidamaru looks amazing. He really looks like a character from samurai showdown and is one that I haven’t seen at conventions in a long time. The huge shoulder pieces look amazing and are definitely ones I want to see in 2021.  

Mercy Phoenix Skin

Mercy has been with us for a while and Blizzard never seems to disappoint. They constantly release new skins for this character with her phoenix and witch skin being my favorites. I have been fortunate enough to photograph a few mercys with @trinityroze displaying the witch alternative outfit the best. No matter which you choose you can’t go wrong with either of these stylish cosplays. 

Maester seymour

Another blast from the past is Maester seymourIf you remember, this character is from final fantasy x and rocked one of the best hairstyles I have ever seen in the anime world. I have no clue how you could possibly style this one but I’m sure cosplayers will find a way to pull it off. Aside from his hair, his outfit is out of this world. His robe is similar to Lulus in the length but unlike Lulu, he also decided to sport some amazing chest tattoos.  

Hades Eurydice

Next up we have Hades Eurydice. Hades Eurydice has a very unfortunate past and currently resides in the depths of hell. She was loved by Orpheus who actually charmed lord Hades to bring her back. But since he did not follow all of Hades rule, Hades Eurydice unfortunately never made it out of hell. Her outfit is very natural looking as she sports a flower from the top of her head. She also has a tambourine which she obviously uses to create music and pass her time in the underworld. 

Hopefully, I have given you a few outfits to choose from in your future cosplay journey. There are so many stylish characters to choose from so definitely pick the ones that resonate with you the most. If you like these outfits feel free to leave a comment below. Thanks so much for checking out my website and feel free to look at my YouTube as it has some amazing cosplayers on it. Until next time, stay boundless.  

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