25 Amazing Cosplayers I Met and You Should Check Out!

Charmy Cosplay by AtelierMae

This has really been a great year. Although I only actively began to participate in the cosplay world midway through the year, I was able to salvage the final few months and hit several cons. Cons ranging from MOMOCON to BLERDCON were all on the agenda list with each offering a unique environment as well as an immense amount of talented cosplayers. I met so many amazing cosplayers and cannot wait to both see them and new cosplays at 2020 conventions. But before that happens, I really want to shout out some awesome individuals I met this year. 

Anime Weekend Atlanta Steampunk Cosplay
Anime Weekend Atlanta Steampunk Cosplay

I was really impressed with several aspects of their cosplay or personality. Not only did they let me take their pictures but they were extremely friendly and an overall pleasure to work with. And let me state before we get started that I could not include ALL of the cosplayers I met and thought were awesome. I highly doubt any of you are up for reading a 100-page post spanning well over 10,000 words! So with the agenda set. Let’s look at some amazing cosplayers that you need to check out in 2020! 


Zinagore Armor By Piratefoxcosplay
Zinagore Armor By Piratefoxcosplay

I met Piratefoxcosplay at Anime Weekend Atlanta and was immediately impressed with their monster hunter cosplay. They chose to cosplay as one of my favorite sets, the Zinogre set. You may recognize this armor as its extremely popular and tutorials for its creation can be found all over the net with @kamuicosplay having one of the best. I look forward to seeing what they will create in 2020. 

@Sandierrzza @Lycoris_Ousa and @Holland_Daze 

Legend Of Dragoon Cosplay
Legend Of Dragoon Cosplay by @Sandierrzza @Lycoris_Ousa and @Holland_Daze

OK, I have been going on and on about this group as I REALLY!!! Loved their Legend Of Dragoon cosplays from AWA. I had never seen it done and as such was aw struck. So many childhood memories came rushing back and we all know how I feel about the classics. Thank you so much for the nostalgic feelings and keep up the great work for 2020! 


Dungeons and Dragons Cosplay by Shaucat Cosplay
Dungeons and Dragons Cosplay by @Shaucat Cosplay

This was my very first nonconvention shoot. I had been itching to do a shoot outside of a convention so badly and @shaucatcosplay finally offered me the opportunity. I loved this shoot so much I did an entire write up and podcast episode on the shoot which can be found HERE! She cosplayed as two characters from the Dungeons and Dragons Universe and they looked great. Definitely check out these images and her work as they are phenomenal.  


Cosplay By @trinityroze
Cosplay By @trinityroze

I have met @Trintyroze before but had never gotten the chance to do a shoot with her. This year at awa we did an awesome Mercy from overwatch shoot. She modified the original cosplay and the images came out great despite AWA strict photography policy. Regardless it had been a long time since I had the opportunity to take pictures of her and I thank you for the opportunity. I know you have a lot of things scheduled for 2020 and I look forward to each one! PS: That blog post can be found HERE! 


Soul Cinder Cosplay By The_Resident_Workhorse
Soul Cinder Cosplay By The_Resident_Workhorse

I have been shooting with @the_resident_workhorse for a while now and his cosplays have only been getting better and better. My first shoot with him was of Gearless JoeThis year he did an amazing Soul Cinder from dark souls. The cosplay was amazing and the images definitely brought out all of the minute details he put into this cosplay. He has told me what he has planned for 2020 but I won’t spoil it so check his page regularly for the details.  


Kyoshi Warriors Cosplay by @uncgwhoviangirl
Kyoshi Warriors Cosplay by @uncgwhoviangirl

As soon as I saw @uncwhoviangirl I had to stop her for a picture. She was cosplaying as one of my favorite characters from the avatar universe, a Kyoshi Warrior. Her cosplay was gorgeous with every aspect being phenomenal down to the makeup. I plan to get some more pictures of her at ICHIBANCON so stay on the lookout, as I’m sure the images will be BOUNDLESS!!! 


Demon Slayer Cosplay by Erin.lynam
Demon Slayer Cosplay by Erin.lynam

With the rise in popularity of the amazing series Demon Slayer, it’s no shock that I came across a demon slayer cosplayer. But, I had no idea it could be replicated so well. @Erin.Lynam cosplayed as Shinobu and it was brilliant. Her cosplay was spot on and made me feel as though Shinobu had really graced us with her presence at AWA. I will hopefully get to meet this cosplayer again in 2020 and can only imagine what shes working on now.  

@bbgolgi@nnecromancerr @oaenimao  

League of Legends Cosplay by@bbgolgi, @nnecromancerr @oaenimao
League of Legends Cosplay by@bbgolgi, @nnecromancerr @oaenimao

League of legends has been around forever and no matter how many times I see cosplays from this game, I’m always amazed. Especially when they are as gorgeous as these cosplays done by @bbgolgi, @nnecromancerr and @oaenimaoNidaleeJinx and katarina never looked so good! Thank you so much for doing this group shoot and I look forward to getting your pictures again at momocon this year! 


Haseo Cosplay By _darkhyperion_
Haseo Cosplay By _darkhyperion_

I have met @darkhyperion at several conventions and was happy I got to take pictures of his Haseo cosplay along with his Yami cosplay. We took pictures on two different occasions with each cosplay looking extravagant. Though I will admit I’m low key salty I didn’t get to get pictures of his Trafalgar law CosplayBut I’m not worried as I know we will link up in 2020. Also looking forward to whatever new cosplays he has planned for 2020. 


Reinhardt Overwatch Cosplay By @cosplay_cam
Reinhardt Overwatch Cosplay By @cosplay_cam

@cosplay_Cam decided to bust out this awesome Reinhardt cosplay at QUEEN CITY ANIMECONHe made the entire cosplay and it looked amazing. There were several amazing cosplays at this convention and this one definitely stood out as one of the best. Everything from the armor to the HAMMER were crazy detailed and hopefully our paths will collide again in the future.  


Phoenix Cosplay By @Charlierrocketcosplay
Phoenix Cosplay By @Charlierrocketcosplay

@charlierrocketcosplay cosplayed an amazing phoenix from x-men. This was my first year going to Quirkcon and I really loved many of the cosplayers and cosplays I saw at this convention. It wasn’t until after the convention that I found out that she’s not only an amazing cosplayer, but is also based out of North Carolina. Hopefully this means we can do some shoots outside of conventions. Keeping my fingers crossed.  


Storm Cosplay by @Thouartanuli
Storm Cosplay by @Thouartanuli

Ok, this storm cosplay was simply breathtaking. She decided to cosplay as storm based off of @marcusthevisuals artwork. Im used to seeing the default storm costume but this one was on another level. It was literally PERFECT. Im looking forward to getting some more pictures of this cosplay along with several of the other characters she portrays. Definitely going to be on the lookout for this cosplayer.  


noelle silva Cosplay by @stellaranebula
noelle silva Cosplay by @stellaranebula

Me and @stellaranebula go back as I actually think she was one of the first cosplayers I ever took pictures of. Back when I just started and my photos were absolutely terrible. We have since done many shoots ranging from Noelle Silva to Elma. Her work is always improving and as such, each cosplay is more amazing than the last. Everything from her makeup to the costume is spotless and I look forward to linking up at tons of conventions in 2020.  


Ahri Cosplay by @mewpiie_cosplay
Ahri Cosplay by @mewpiie_cosplay

I met @Mewpiie_Cosplay at Queen City anime con as she was cosplaying as KDA AhriNot only was the cosplay extremely well done but also fit into my nostalgic category so you know I had to get a picture. She also has some other amazing cosplays ranging from Bea to KindredHopefully in 2020 I can snap some of her Kindred cosplays as I really like this character and the detail put into this costume.  

@when.ravens.fall and @Platformheelys 

Mad Moxxi or Tyreencalypso Cosplay by @when.ravens.fall and @Platformheelys
Mad Moxxi or Tyreencalypso Cosplay by @when.ravens.fall and @Platformheelys

Can we just stop and appreciate how amazing these cosplays were. I mean look at this image. The makeup and costume are astounding. I really want to learn how to pull of the cell-shaded look because borderlands cosplays are amazing and two, I want to do either a male version of Mad Moxxi or Tyreencalypso. I have to admit that this definitely was one of my top 3 images from momocon. Both of these cosplayers are very talented and I look forward to their 2020 creations.  


BOB Overwatch Cosplay By @Dreadfully_Cracked
BOB Overwatch Cosplay By @Dreadfully_Cracked

Another cosplayer I have had the pleasure of working with at multiple cons, @dreadfully_cracked creates some absolutely amazing cosplays. The most recent one I got images of was his BOB from overwatch. Once again, I have no clue how you go about creating such works of art but please keep up the great work! Now if we could just schedule a link up instead of randomly bumping into each other at conventions everything would be great lol.  

@Sanuracosplay and @aquariustaughtme 

Jasmine and Cloud cosplay by @Sanuracosplay and @aquariustaughtme
Jasmine and Cloud cosplay by @Sanuracosplay and @aquariustaughtme

These two cosplayers are phenomenal alone and amazing together. I met the two at momocon as they were cosplaying as Jasmine and CloudBut the amazing part was that they not only put their own spin on the costume but also wielded key blades. This was also one of my favorite images from momocon along with the earlier image of Mad Moxxi and TyreenCalypso. They have recently completed an amazing Starfire and Robin cosplay so head over to their page to check it out. I look forward to seeing more of their combined cosplays in 2020. 


Wakanda Moon cosplay
Cosplay by @WakandaMooncosplay

The shoot I did with these amazing cosplayers was crazy. We had to rush and setup a backdrop on the bottom floor of Blerdcon early before everyone arrived. Space was limited so I believed we did extremely well given the circumstances.  I also did a post on them which can be found HEREI loved there Wakanda themed costumes. They were all constructed from hand are extremely iconic and unique. Their personalities are also amazing and I thoroughly enjoyed working with them. Hopefully, we will meet at blerdcon again this year.  


Wolverine Cosplay by @Kogacosplay
Wolverine Cosplay by @Kogacosplay

This mans cosplaysare spot on. Especially his recent green arrow cosplay. If you’re confused then head over to his Instagram for some examples of his work. I got to capture pictures of his wolverine cosplay and really wanted to do an entire shoot with him but time did not permit. The action images we could get would have been amazing! I also want to get my own images of his Green Arrow cosplay and maybe find a Hawkeye to square off with. I’m sure we will meet at either momocon again or dragoncon. 

@Curlyhead_shinobi and @martial_arts_combatives 

Soi-fon and Tousen @Curlyhead_shinobi and @martial_arts_combatives
Soi-fon and Tousen Cosplay by @Curlyhead_shinobi and @martial_arts_combatives

Next up we have @Curlyhead_Shinobi and @martial_arts_combatives. I have met these cosplayers time and time again at so many conventions. They usually do couples cosplays and I absolutely love it. I have snapped pictures of both there Harry Potter and Hermione along with their Soi-fon and TousenIf that wasn’t enough, they both also practice martial arts. Definitely stop by their academy for an awesome Kung Fu lesson along with some possible cosplay inspirations.  


 Kanna Kamui Cosplay By hentaigirl82
Kanna Kamui Cosplay By hentaigirl82

Last but not least we have @hentaigirl82. This is another cosplayer that I have done multiple shoots with. I love her cosplay style. She has cosplayed as characters ranging from Kanna Kamui to Sakura and has an extremely bubbly personality. I always enjoy our photo sessions. Her work is truly phenomenal and I hope to not only see her new cosplays but also take some more pics of her current costumes.

 Erza Scarlet Cosplay By shinigamimeg_cosplay
Erza Scarlet Cosplay By shinigamimeg_cosplay

I know that was a bit more than 25 cosplayers but I had to include some of them and well you know sometimes I just get carried away. There are so many other cosplayers I met this year that I will likely include in a following post. Please, Please, Please go and check out some of these cosplayers as their work is indescribable and who knows, you may even bump into some of them at your next convention.  Thanks so much for checking out my post. For more awesome cosplay news, check out my BLOG and PodcastAnd as always, stay BOUNDLESS!!! 

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