7 Anime Series and Movies Sure to Make You Cry!

Anime and manga’s are usually extremely exciting and filled with adventurous tales of glory. Everything from the triumph over evil to cooking masterpieces are portrayed throughout the anime universe. But every now and again, I come across some series that are extremely depressing. Well maybe depressing isn’t the right word for it. More like they make you realize how good you have it and that you should not be disheartened or feel sad about the small things in life.  With today’s post I want to talk about my top 7 series or movies that make the viewer feel sad. Buckle in because this is going to be one hell of an emotional journey. 


Let me first say that this list is not in any particular order. I added in some series that I have seen along with one or two that I intend to watch later on.  So with that idea in mind, the first emotional hump is Shigatsu Wa Kimi No Uso (Your Lie In April). 

Shigatsu Wa Kimi No Uso (Your Lie In April) 


I have yet to watch this series but I really have been meaning to get around to it. Why you ask? Because the series focuses on music and I absolutely LOVE MUSIC. The main character is Arima Kousei. Hes a young piano prodigy that creates and plays astounding music. Unfortunately, he loses his mother. This causes series psychological trauma and prevents him from playing the piano. But like all things in life, they are temporary. He slowly begins to regain his abilities and confidence when he meets a young violinist named Miyazono Kaori. This is one tale that is sure to spark at least a few tears! 

Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 


Anyone that has experienced a natural disaster can relate to how traumatic and life-altering these events can be. Tokyo Magnitude discusses this issue and looks at the life of the survivors of an 8.0 magnitude earthquake. This story is extremely sad and hits home because many people can relate to it. A story about aliens invading and destroying your home and all life on the planet is obviously sad but no one can relate. Natural disasters are very frequent and thus provoke relatable emotions in many of us.  Everything from fires to floods fall in this category with earthquakes being one of the worst natural disasters to ever strike Japan.  

Byousoku 5 Centimeter 


This is another story that we can all relate to. It focuses on two friends that are separated by life. They do everything they can to stay in touch but it seems fate just has it out for them. They reminisce over past memories and long for each other if only for a moment. This series hits home because I’m sure we have all lost touch with that friend we used to spend hours with. Telling our deepest secrets and planning a future with. Whether this be a lover or childhood friend, we have all lost someone precious to us do to the passage of time. Unfortunately, I was unable to find the DVDs on amazon but here’s a poster to commemorate the movie once you do watch it.  

Angel Beats 


Angel beats is possibly the saddest series on the list. The story is extremely unique and is one that I have never considered nor thought about. Essentially, before one can move to the afterlife, they have to resolve all issues with the world of the living. If not they get caught in limbo. In this series, limbo is a high school. Any attachments, debts or regrets must be settled and forgiven before they are allowed to pass into the next life.  The constant disappointment, grief and sorrow make the series nearly impossible to watch. But if you are able to stand it, its definitely one that will not disappoint.  

Now and Then Here And There 


Although the series is a bit dated, its still sure to have you in tears before it completes. The story goes like this, a young boy is transported to a separate world which is a dystopian society. Water is scarce and females are used for breeding. Themes relating to morality and slavery are present throughout the series. If you do not cry then it will certainly make you think and begin to question certain aspects of your own thought processes. Don’t skip out on this classic just because the graphics are a bit dated. Its still one of the best on the list and deserves to be watched. Always pay homage to the classics.  

Your Name 


I have written about this movie before as it had a huge effect on me. The movie really took me for a spin and the entire time I was hoping the two main characters would get together. The story focuses on two characters that switch bodies throughout the week but cannot remember each other’s names. One of them eventually decides to meet the other but let’s just say certain circumstances prevent it. Time progresses and they forget about the events only to have DeJa’Vu rear its ugly head. This is probably my favorite movie on the list and I HIGHLY, recommend this one! 

Grave Of The Fireflies  


Without a doubt, the movie that brought the most tears to my eyes was this one. Grave of the Fireflies is an emotional rollercoaster. I originally watched this movie back in high school with one of my best friends. But like Byousoku 5 Centimeterwe grew apart. The story takes place during WWII and revolves around 2 children just trying to survive. It shows the joys and sorrows of their life and really draws you in. You become attached to the characters and really feel the things that happen to them. This movie is my second favorite with Your Name taking its place. Regardless it was a very close race with Your Name slightly taking the prize. If you do not watch any other movies or series on the list please watch these two. 


I hope you enjoyed this emotional rollercoaster. There are so many emotional series and movies out there but I feel this is a good starting point. It’s nice to connect with the characters on a personal level and get swept into real-life situations. These series let you know that others have experienced the same heartaches and pains as you. And knowing we can relate to others is always a good feeling. Thanks so much for checking out my post and for more awesome cosplay info click HERE! I just came back from AWA so be on the lookout for some boundless images. Until Next time, stay Boundless!!! 

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