Good morning, evening and possibly night in some places. Im being optimistic and guessing I have a few viewers in different time zones. Possibly Japan, Jamaica, Europe or even Australia. Who knows, but there’s no reason to make anyone feel left out. If not that’s ok their page is still buffering or their likely still typing in the web address. But, for all of you here, I decided to continue the London picture detour with a few images from my home town. Although nowhere near as historic, Charlotte NC makes up for its young age with spacious parks and gorgeous sky lines. I figured why not show not only where I have gone but also where I come from. So, let’s get to it. 
For starters charlotte NC offers several attractions. Attractions ranging from Carowinds amusement park which boasts the largest giga coaster in the world (Fury 325) to the various museums including Discover place Children’s Museum. Charlott is also home to the Panthers football team and the Hornets basketball team.
This is all fine and dandy but what happens to charlotte after hours? When everyone heads home and the city sleeps, one can’t help but wonder what is going on in all of those parks and skyscrapers. I decided to head out and see for myself what downtown charlotte looks like once the daily commuters vacate.