Ok, its been a few days, well weeks now and most people have seen
Avengers Endgame. If you haven’t that’s ok because this post will
not contain any spoilers. But if you are interested in how to look
like a BADASS AVENGER, at your next convention or Halloween
party read on my friend, read on! And even if you do not, Read on
Lol. In the post im going to cover the TOP 10 Avengers Endgame
Cosplays to buy to make you look and feel like an avenger.
10. Mantis
Kicking off the Avengers Endgame list we have none other than Ms.
Sandman herself. Mantis is Gifted with empathic abilities and an
absolute beast at hand to hand combat (read the comic), she was
powerful enough to render the mad gods mind useless. This
particular cosplay is absolutely gorgeous and created using leather.
In order to get the full effect, you will need to purchase a few of her
accessories such as her boots and wig. But overall you cant go
wrong with this choice, and will certainly stop photographers in
their tracks.
9. Thanos
Random fact, Thanos means Death in Greek, so its obvious why
people fear the mad god. The mad god was obviously the main
antagonist of this series and was feared for good reason. The
Madgods cosplay is one to behold. Constructed out of leather and
spandex for the pants, you are sure to turn a few heads at your
next convention. This material is very durable and comes in a
variety of sizes for any cosplayer. Just make sure you bulk up a bit
before get into character to add the old Razzle Dazzle.
8. Nebula
Only rivaled by the smurfs and yondu in terms of blueness, Nebula
is one of the most dangerous avengers to ever join the squad.
Compelled by her anger to destroy her father (Thanos) she has
been cybernetically enhanced with various implants to better her
already lethal arsenal and fighting style. This costume will have
you turning heads and delivering fear and admiration and any con
you attend. Created using high quality satin cotton and leather to
prevent unnecessary tears, it will fit like a glove. Well as long as
you add in a few inches of course. Feel free to add the matching
weapon prop for added flair.
7. Thor
I know, I know, this cosplay isn’t exactly from endgame but it is still
awesome nonetheless. Making his way into the number 7 spot we
have the God of thunder himself. That’s right arguable the
strongest avenger Thor. This particular costume was worn during
infinity wars movie and in my opinion looks better than his end
game outfit because lets face it, Thor kind of let himself go for the
grand finally. This bad ass costume is made with both polyester and
leather and like all the others on list is strongly resistant to tearing.
I highly recommend this costume and believe you will love this
Avengers Endgame Costume.
6. HawkEye
Hawkeye played a very large and emotional role in endgame. He
was prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice in the name of the
greater good before the honor was stolen from him. Hopefully that
isn’t to much of a spoiler. This costume rocks his awesome ninja
Hawkeye appearance. He is not known for his swordmanship but
revealed that he is equally talented with both a bow and sword.
This costume is rather detailed and constructed with leather, foam
and spandex. I love it because it’s a break from his normal look and
will likely draw questions and curiosity.
5. Black Widow
Coming in at number 5 we have non other than the deadly Black
Widow aka (Natasha Romanoff). Her hand to hand combat skills
are nearly unrivaled throughout the marvel universe and she has
shown this throughout the avengers series. Random trivia, Black
widow was also given a super solider serum just like Steve roger
but no where near as powerful. Hence why she has no trouble
overpowering most of her opponents. This costume is made from
leather but is very different from her smooth, traditional leather
outfit. I like this one a bit more due to the texture and think the
designers did a fantastic job on it development.
4. Vision
Gone but not forgotten we have the mind stone wielding vision.
Vision was sadly destroyed in avengers infinity wars by thanos
himself. I hope that’s not a spoiler for anyone, if so that’s a mistake
on your part for not seeing a movie released a year ago LOL.
Visions costume is made completely of spandex and leather so you
know its going to fit bit tight. Fortunately it stretches to an extent
to adhere to several body types. As always, add those extra inches
into to make sure you can breathe in the outfit.
3. Scarlet Witch
One of the simpler cosplays on our list, scarlet witch has and
always will be a fore to be reckoned with. She demonstrated this
strength in bother infinity wars and end game by taking on the
mad god directly. Scarlet witch is actually a mutant with the
ability to manipulate chaos magic. This makes her powerful
enough to easily overpower vision, thanos and several other
characters throughout the marvel universe. This costume only
includes the red jacket and the bracers. So you will have to provide
the shirt and skirt yourself. But being on the cheaper side, it may
be better for individuals new to the cosplay seen.
2. Dr. Strange
Next up we have the man that made the entire winning scenario of
end game possible. That’s right the retired neurosurgeon Dr. Strange
. He is described as the mightiest magician in the cosmos and by
far more powerful than any of his fellow avengers. His mastery of
the mystic arts has landed him the title of sorcerer supreme. If you
want to recreate some of the awesome scenes of avengers end
game, feel free to pick up this costume. Created using both satin
and polyester, this costume only needs a few added accessories to
really make it pop. Add in a few details and you have yourself one
of the best costumes money can buy.
1. Captain America
Coming in at number 1 we none other than Americas ass itself,
that’s right im talking about Captain America. Known as the first
avenger captain America has been an integral part of the team for
literally as long as the avengers has existed. This particular
costume includes the option of boots for added flair. Make sure
you add a few inches to your measurements to make sure your
costume fits just right. Don’t want to wait all that time just to have
the costume not fit right. Also note, the cosplay may not appear
exactly as it does in the image but will be extremely close.
Well there you have it, my top 10 Avengers Endgame costumes for.
I hate that this series has come to an end but that’s no reason we
cant continue to keep them alive via cosplaying. If you liked this
article feel free to drop a comment in the comments section below.
I would love to hear what you think. Well that’s it for now, until
next time, STAY BOUNDLESS!!!
PS: Check Out Some Other Awesome Budget Cosplay To Buy Here!
Or My Cosplay Contest Here!