Cosplay Dream Items And Costumes


Well my week off from blogging has come and gone meaning its time to get back on the grind. It was a much needed and well-deserved break in my opinion. Anyways, with the recent passing of DragonCon I was able to see some images of some absolutely amazing cosplays. Some were out of this world and definitely took a great amount of time and money to create. My cosplay creation skills are not at that level yet so I still stare in aww and can only imagine the level of creativity that some individuals have.  


Since I acknowledge that I am unable to make such elaborate and amazing cosplays, I settle for marveling at some of the costumes I see online. Instead, I constantly add cosplay items and costumes into my cart only to be saved for a later date. That’s right, every expensive costume and item that I currently can’t afford I create a cosplay dream list for. So with that idea in mind, let’s check out some of my favorite cosplay dream items. 

Attack On Titan Cosplay Costume 

Photo By Fantalusy Cosplay

Almost everyone has seen this series by now so it goes without saying that wanting to wear the amazing gear from the show is only natural. I mean they’re basically wearing steam jetpacks with grappling hooks. I would gladly wear the items as long as there weren’t  titans around. Im not so sure id be down with trying to fight them. But to be able to zoom around the city like a renaissance Spiderman would be Hella awesome.  Just match it with the cosplay clothing and your good to go. 

John Snow Costume 

Photo By Mig Photography

Just put all of your emotions aside for a moment regarding this shows conclusion and remember the great times instead. You know those season finales that left you wanting more and the tear jerking Hodor scene that still resonates with me. These were the moments we lived for in Game of Thrones and with John Snow being one of my favorite characters it only makes sense that his cosplay outfit is on the list. I would love to wear this outfit to the renaissance festival but like many things in life, money is holding me back. 

Saber Costume 

Photo By CosplayShots

Although I would not personally wear this outfit it would be awesome to do a couples cosplay with another wearing this item. The fate stay universe is rather massive and I have only explored a small part of it but I have to admit the part I did explore had an awesome Saber in it.  She was extremely strong and her invisible sword made her opponents very cautious. Im sure ill go back someday and get into the rest of this series but for now, please someone message me about wearing this so I can buy an Archer cosplay.  

Thresh Action Figure 

Photo By Kinpatsu Cosplay

I really want a Thresh Cosplay costume but have yet to really find someone that makes one I would like to purchase. All of the quotes I have seen are also extremely expensive so, for now, I will have to settle for his Action Figure I don’t know why but thresh has always been my favorite character from league of legends. Maybe it’s the lantern or the hook im not sure but this character just vibes with me. I really liked his ultimate “The Box” and would like to set one up at the next convention to trap other league of legends players.  

V For Vendetta  

Photo By Kojima Photography

Ever since I saw the movie I knew I needed this costume. I think anyone not in the upper class has a bit of anarchy in them and has wanted to overthrow a few things in the government at some point in time. V symbolizes each of those thoughts and cosplaying as him is as close to a revolution as im ever going to get.  If you are all about fighting the system then you really need to see this movieIt was released in 2006 but is still one of my favorite movies of all time. The final action scene will not disappoint! 

Your Name 

Photo By JoviClaire

Another must see movie but very different from V For VendettaThe premiese of the movie is extremely simple. Two characters switch identities. They take over each others bodies and leave each other messages about things and their experiences.  They want to meet but unforeseen things keep preventing them from ever linking. A must watch if you’re an anime lover.  

Anime Apparel  

With Halloween right around the corner and winter following its best to start stocking up on some warmer items. I previously wrote a post about some awesome cosplay apparel items which you can check out HEREBut, if you are looking to keep warm, then these Hoodies may be just the thing you need. There’s no need to only represent your passions and hobbies when at conventions or parties. Go ahead and show your love for anime and cosplay everywhere you go in the winter with some of these awesome hoodies. There not too expensive so hell pick up multiples. 

Waka FFX 

Photo By ShinrajunkieCosplay

Lots of other characters in the final fantasy universe get a lot more attention and praise than my man Waka but he will always be one of my favorites.  Sure he wasn’t the most powerful or coolest character to ever grace the series but he just resonated with me. Something about his demeanor and style were always so awesome to me as a child and still stick with me to this day. I have wanted to do this cosplay for so long but don’t think I could pull it off. What do you guys think? Should I give it a go? 

Lulu FFX 

Photo By Rivilli Antonio

You know I couldn’t make a list that included Waka but not LuluI have seen several Lulus at conventions but its rare for me to see her accompanied by a Waka. We need to change this as I really like this cosplay couple. But anyways, Lulu was a badass black mage from the series and was extremely powerful. She also carried around a small doll to do her biddings when not devastating her opponents with magical attacks.  I recently saw a shoot that had the entire cast but can not remember the link. Anyone that has it feel free to post it below in the comments. 

Space Marine 

Photo By David Love Photography

Last but not least we have one of my favorite costumes ever. One that I would kill to wear but do not have the money nor time to create. That’s right, the deadly Space Marine from warhammer 40k. I have seen this costume on Etsy for upwards of 5k. I really wish I owned this costume but do not have this type of money for cosplaying. These cosplays can easily stand a solid 8 feet when fully assembled and look very intimidating. Maybe I will make it a present for myself on my next birthday. 

Photo By KinslayeR13

Well I hope you enjoyed checking out some of my cosplay dream items. I really need to just go ahead and make some of these dreams a reality. You only live once right? If you enjoyed this post please leave a comment below as I would love to hear your thoughts. Well, that’s everything for today. To check out some more awesome cosplay posts click HEREUntil next time, stay BOUNDLESS!!! 

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