Most animes are a compilation of heroes and do not focus on the
actions of a single hero. There are exceptions out there but usually, the
hero or villain has at least one sidekick. Why is this? Obviously,
because no one person can save the world on their own. Theirs simply
to much to be done or too many opponents to overcome. So with that
thought process in mind, I thought why not get a bit of help from some
other series.

This brought me to the idea of cosplay series mashups. Specifically,
I mean combing cosplay characters with similar abilities. Such as
swordsmen, fire manipulators or heavily armored characters.
How awesome would it be to see a line of magicians or demon
slayers united against a single threat spanning multiple series. I
know this is something I would love to see and believe would make
for a great group event at any convention. So, with that idea in
mind lets check out some great cosplay mashups.
Mech Mashup

My first Cosplay character combination would pertain to giant
mechs. I would love to see Gypsy danger, Gundam 0, Big O or
Death Scythe cosplays combined. Each of these characters are
obviously giant mechs and seeing them square off against one
another at a convention would be awesome. Theorizing about
which ones would win would, of course, spark huge debates and
ignite the imagination. So go ahead and grab your best friends and
combine multiple anime mechs for your next convention.

If armor building is not your thing, then maybe you will gravitate
towards the swordsman category. Swordsman such as Kenshin,
Zoro, Ichigo, Kenpachi, Kirito or Erza Scarlet are all legendary
swordsmen in the anime world. People usually combine these
characters with others from their series but imagine if we had an
entire line up of swordsmen spanning 10 years of anime. This
would make for a phenomenal shoot or cover art for any magazine
or blog. Or even imagine a free for all. Kenpachi vs Zoro vs Erza
Scarlet. The video footage for such a meetup would surely get you
tons of attention. I Know I’d watch it!
Fire Manipulators

Ok, so this Cosplay mashup does not have to be specific to fire
manipulators. It could be water benders or earth manipulators. As
long as the element being bent matches up to each character, we
are good. If you do decide to stick with the fire theme, you could
use General Iroh, Zuko, Shana, Roy Mustang, Portgas D Ace or
even Feitan. There are tons of characters to choose from for this
cosplay mashup shoot so feel free to let the imagination run wild
and get super creative. Hell, you could even do a spacial
manipulation group and use characters such as Thirteen or Finral.

Disclaimer, this is one of my favorite categories and the list of
cosplay mashup characters is endless. Just stay with me for a
minute here and imagine its Saturday morning and your getting
ready for the convention. You and your friends walk through the
door 10 to 20 people strong rocking cosplay characters that all use
magic. Some examples could be Dark Magician (Guy/Girl),
Vanessa, Captain Yami, Azazel or Aainz Ooal Gown. I can only
imagine the photoshop magic that could go into such a shoot. I get
excited just thinking about it.
Martial Artists

This category is awesome not only because it mashes characters
with different martial arts abilities but also because the cosplayer
could actually practice said martial arts before the convention. For
example, if you chose to cosplay as Baki you could actually take
Muay Thai classes or karate classes for Doppo Orochi. Side note,
these characters wear very basic clothing so this would be a very
easy cosplay to pull off. Other characters include Ryu/Ken, Ippo,
Eddy Gordo, K dash, or Mai Shiranui. You could even
choreograph a fight scene between the characters. That would look
great for the camera.
Monster Slayers

The possibilities for this group are nearly endless. Because
monsters span so many cosplay series and are usually the
antagonists of series. This category kind of branches over into the
swordsmen and martial artist category but that’s ok. Gather
enough of you and maybe a few villains and people will get the
concept. Characters that come to mind include Goblin Slayer,
Genos, One Punch Man, Gon, Killua and Alucard. Imagine a
shoot where all of you gang up on a ghoul or goblin. I think this
would look awesome.

Everyone loves this category. This is the group of people that say
“I’m here to f**k s**t up”. The nation overthrowers, usurpers and
general revolutionists. I really wish this would occur in real life.
Imagine expelling of the corrupt politicians and abolishing the
publics general debt. All school loans gone over night. A world
were interest rates do not exceed 2%. That’s the world I want to live
in. Some characters that are known for bringing change or making
ish happen are Lelouch, Simon, Arslan, Spike Spiegel or any
member of Knight Raid. This is a category of anime you definitely
need to invest in to get some ideas on equalizing the world.

Most of us play or have played some form of sports. Well, why not
show off some of that natural talent by portraying a character
naturally good at your chosen sport. It could be boxing, basketball,
soccer or volleyball, the possibilities are infinite. So many anime
are about sports that you could literally have your pick of the liter.
Characters that come to mind include Yuri, Nanase Haruka,
Ryoma Echizen, Hanamich Sakuragi or Kotaro Bokuto. Combine
all these characters and make an image with Ryoma Echizen
serving a ball while Hanamich grabs it mid-flight and dunks it on
Ryoma LOL.

If none of the other categories appealed to you then maybe it’s
because your omnipotent. That’s right, humanity is below you and
its time you ascend to that level you always knew you could
achieve. Look down from your throne and realize your cosplay is
in a class of its own and meant for the likes of gods, not mere
mortals. If this description describes you then congratulations, you
fit perfectly into the god class of cosplay mashups. Some of your
companions could include Beerus, God Serena, Ryuuku Ryuk,
Yato Noragami or Kaguya Otsutsuki. Imagine putting on the
photography shoots flier, god shoot at 3:00 pm. That’s definitely
going to get some attention.

I hope you enjoyed this post and got some inspiration or cosplay
mashup idea for your next convention. I really want to see
multiple people come together and make some of the groups a
reality. This would be such an awesome sighting. Man the pictures I
could take, one can only dream. Anyways as always if you enjoyed
the post feel free to leave a message below. I would love to hear
from everyone. That’s it for today, until next time, stay
For More Cosplay Ideas Click HERE!!!