Disney Princess Cosplay

Cosplay by CrystalPanda Photo By OhHeyItsSK
Cosplay by CrystalPanda Photo By OhHeyItsSK

Have you ever had that calling in life telling you that you were meant for more? No, I’m not talking about an advance your career type of feeling or beginning that business you always said you would. I mean a deep feeling in your gut that the term “slay queen” was actually a literal interpretation of your life and not just a saying? If this is the case, then you may just be experiencing memories from a previous life.

Cosplay By @not_hot_mess

Or, all of that was nonsense and just want to be a Disney Queen or Princess. Either way, the time to become a Disney Princess is now. Everyone is about to get that refund check so why not put it to good use? Today I want to check out 7 gorgeous Disney Princess cosplays that will not only have you feeling like royalty, but also will not break the bank. 


Cosplay By J.Hart Design

Sporting one of the most beautiful dresses in the entire Disney arsenal, Cinderellas gown is a sight to behold. It was literally created with magic, thus finding an equal is not going to be easy. The gown also comes in my personal favorite color (Sky or Baby Blue)  and would look amazing for photoshoots. Another great reason to get this outfit is because you can match it with a TiaraEveryone does not have a dream of wearing a Tiara but after seeing how nicely it matches this outfit you may change your mind. 


Cosplay by @ardencos

If badass is more your thing than Merida is definitely the Disney Princess for you. She’s the main character of the hit movie Brave. It’s hard to believe that it has already been 8 years since this movie’s release as it feels I just saw it in theaters yesterday. As a fun trivia fact, Merida is the 11th princess to be added to the roster. She’s also one of the only redheads with Ariel and Anna being the only other contenders.  If you didn’t get enough of her in Brave then you certainly need to check out Ralph Breaks the InternetShe had a hilarious appearance in this movie and rather amusing quote. 



Possibly the most popular Disney character, Elsa proved her power many times over along with her wisdom. While her younger sister wanted to run off and get married she was the only one saying hey, you may want to pump the breaks and really think about this for a second. Elsa is also the only character on the list that is not a princess, she’s a former Queen. I really don’t think I need to elaborate on this character as the film profited over $400 Million. And of course lets not forget about the hit song “Let it Go”. Cosplay as Elsasing this song, and every child within a 1 mile radius will be sure to love you. 


Cosplay By @cin_von_quinzel

It’s almost spring so that means its surely time to bust out the only island princess on the list. Moana differed from several of the other traditional Disney Princesses with the fact that her story did not revolve around love in the traditional sense.  She loved her family, island and the ocean but falling in love with a man was not really her thing. Of course, Moana ended up developing a relationship with Maui but it was strictly platonic. I personally loved this fact as it was a breath of fresh air making the story a little less predictable.  

Kida Nedakh 

Yarn Goddess Cosplay
Kida of Atlantis by @yarngoddess

This princess is for some reason never mentioned or remembered when people are thinking about or bringing up their favorite Disney Princesses.  I really don’t understand why as Kida Nedakh was an absolute legend. Just in case you have never heard of this Disney Princess, she is from the movie Atlantis which was released in 2001. That’s probably a bit of time far before most of the younger generation began cosplaying. Similar to MeridaKida Nedakh is a warrior and its mentioned that had she encountered outsiders several years ago, she would have killed them on sight. 

Vanellope Von Schweetz 


Move over Redline anInitial D and make room for princess Vanellope Von SchweetzIf you do not know who this princess is then please watch Wreck it RalphShe single-handedly contains the best quote in my opinion of any Disney Princess. Vanellope Von Schweetz only cares for racing and all things fast. Because of her unique glitch, she is capable of phasing through other drivers and solid matter making her the undisputed queen of racing. 



Another princess that never makes it into the top 10 is MegaraMaybe she is neglected because of her bad attitude or dated Disney appearance. Either way, Megara spoke nothing but truth in Hercules. Several other princesses did not take an interest in love but Megara may be the only one that completely opposed it. This, of course, is due to the fact that she lost her soul as a result of love. Id imagine this would jade anyone from the idea of love. Megara is also very bitter and just overall has a poor outlook on men. But as usual, Disney shapes the damsel in distress into an ideal Disney Princess once Hercules restores her faith in love. I rarely see her cosplayed as The Muses usually have a much larger fan base. 


There are so many Disney Princesses that I could spend an entire day talking about them. Especially some of the classics as we all know I have a thing for anything classic. I hope you will take the time to check out some of these princesses and consider cosplaying them at your next convention. Thanks so much for checking out my post as for more cosplay news feel free to click HERE! And if you’re tired of reading go ahead and check out my PODCAST as you can listen to it while you drive or create that next awesome cosplay. Until next time, stay BOUNDLESS!!! 

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