Hows everyone doing, I’m sure the answer is medium at best since most of us have to work.
If you are at work that’s ok because I have something that’s going to make your day much better. What you ask? Well im glad you asked, the answer is a brand new giveaway of course.
Let’s face it, we all love free stuff right? Fee money, free cosplays free anything is almost always a day brightener. Well in the tradition of giving away free things I am giving away some awesome comic books that I picked up at Dragoncon.
Not only are they phenomenal reads, but they are also autographed by the creators making this giveaway that more valuable. I’ll admit, I have never been the comic book type but after these reads I have done a complete 180. I guarantee they will not disappoint. But if for some reason you do not enjoy them, there’s no reason to complain because YOU GOT THEM FOR FREE LOL!!!!
The first comic book is the first edition of black sands by the authors Manuel Godoy and Geiszel Godoy. This story focuses on “Ausar and his kin as they travel to the capital of the Kushite Empire for a diplomatic mission but soon rekindles his rivalry with an old friend.
Before he can have his revenge against his rival, a crisis breaks out when Auset loses control of her powers and threatens to destroy the entire city. What is the young prince to do?”. After reading the first edition I am sure you will head directly to their (site) to snag the next book.
Next up we have Jet Pack Guy by Joie Foster, Justin Birch, Jeff Rider and Ryan Harrington. This story focuses on a hero and smuggler that gets his hands the coolest illicit goods on the planet. Can he brave the fiery elements and countless dangers to deliver his icy cargo?
The final two are also created by cloudwranglercomics. Troubled gunfighter John Comb haunts the old west with a terrible secret. Bitten by the werewolf who murdered his lover, comb must hunt the wolfs sire to break its horrible curse. The mashup of the old west with werewolf’s makes for an awesome read.
Finally we have Blaze of Glory which revolves around some gung ho soldiers destroying bugs. It kinda reminds me of starship troopers, so if you enjoyed that series you are going to love this read.
If these comics have peaked your interest feel free to enter the giveaway. Applicants only need like my Instagram page and repost the contest. The contest will end on 9/15/2018. Also feel free follow me on Facebook, its that simple. Well that’s it for today, until next time everyone, STAY BOUNDLESS.