Interview with a cosplayer featuring @Shaucatcosplay

Dungeons and Dragons Cosplay by Shaucat Cosplay

Welcome back to another awesome episode of interview with a cosplayer. For today’s episode, I had the pleasure of interviewing @shaucatcosplay.  She is an amazing cosplayer with several years of cosplay experience under her belt. She is based out of Atlanta Georgia and cosplays characters ranging from Morrigan to Vanessa. As a special treat, we are not only doing the interview but also discussing our recent photoshoot. The location and details regarding the shoot will all be discussed in the interview so make sure to give it a listen. And without further ado, let’s dive into another awesome interview with a cosplayer. 

@Shaucatcosplay got into cosplay back in high school so around 2007 to 2008. She originally cosplayed as Sakura from Naruto. This was the beginning of a very extensive cosplay career that is growing stronger by the day.  Unfortunately, no images exist of this cosplay but I’m sure it pales in comparison to what her cosplay creations consist of today. Check her through back Thursdays to see her cosplay origin stories.  

One of her favorite cosplays was from Saiyuki. The merciful goddess is the character she cosplayed as and she decided to construct a large necklace for this series. I really can’t describe it so definitely check it out online. This was actually the first prop she ever constructed so just go ahead and dive in sometimes. I’m sure your imagination and reference pictures will lead the way. Another amazing cosplay she did was Morrigan from dark stalkers. This character is extremely iconic and has been featured in several games. Specifically, the puzzle fighter version inspired @shaucatcosplay and she based her Morrigan off of this version. 

Now onto the shoot. I really don’t want to give to much away so listen to the podcast but this shoot consisted of two D&D characters. They were Shiere and Desdemona. These characters mean a lot to @shaucatcosplay because she has been using them for a while and feels she resonates with these characters.  Shiere is a druid so of course, we used a shoot location that was more natural. She chose the ball gown version of this character as her next dungeons and dragons campaign involves them going to a ball.  

The second character is not as morally righteous. She is basically the polar opposite of ShiereDesdemona is ok with things the way they are as long as they do not harm the natural order of things. The character is actually good but based on her moral decisions she may be viewed as evil. To better understand this character, definitely listen to this section of the podcast. It will teach you a decent bit about playing dungeons and dragons as well. If you are fascinated by the images, she also discusses how she constructed the dresses and other cosplays seen on her page. 

We also discuss how much she spends on cosplay which his a lot less than I originally believed. I was thinking some of these outfits were at least four to 500 dollars. Surprisingly enough, since she recycles a lot of items she keeps prices low. She uses materials that I never even imaged for cosplay, especially when designing the wings for Morrigan. But she does say that she’s very committed to cosplay so most of her money does get funneled into this hobby. Her next cosplay is going to be a combo ice climbers from smash brothers so be on the lookout for these characters. 

Thanks so much for checking out this awesome interview. There is a lot more information in the podcast so again LISTEN TO IT! If you see @shaucatcosplay at your next convention definitely let her know her work is awesome as I’m sure she will appreciate it. If you would like to be on the podcast feel free to shoot me a message as I would love to discuss having you on the show. Well, that’s everything for today. Thanks so much for checking out the show and stay tuned for more awesome episodes. I look forward to more interviews and hearing you’re cosplay story. Until next time, stay BOUNDLESS!!! 

PS: For more images of the shoot click the galleries below and for more cosplay interviews Click Here! Side note, if you want the Polar Bear Hat mentioned in the episode, Click  HERE! 

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