Interview with a cosplayer featuring @Zazie.Cosplay


Welcome back to the show, we have another awesome cosplayer for you today who goes by the name of Zazie.Cosplay. She’s based out of Maryland and has brought several amazing cosplays to various conventions. Some of them are her Nami, Jadeand Ishtar from fate grand order. Before we dive into this week’s episode I want to remind you that you can find last week’s episode HERE along with all of the other episodes from the show. We have a new episode for you almost weekly so be sure to constantly check back for some new content.  

 Ishtar Cosplay
Ishtar Cosplay

She has been cosplaying for around 10 years and has been going to conventions since around 2008. Her first convention was ANIME USA which is a very small con. This con had her hooked and since she has started hitting larger cons such as Katsucon. Like many, she started with characters that fit her skin tones such as Nidalee and Michiko Malandro. These characters were not extremely difficult to make so they are rather decent characters to attempt for new cosplayers. Her cosplay intro days are long over and she has branched into much more difficult cosplays and characters that were not the same skin color as her. 

Lux Cosplay

In 2015, she decided that she could cosplay as any character she wanted. This inspiration came from some of the cosplayers that Zazie.Cosplay looks up to. They are MeltingMirror_cosplay and MakirollofficialSetting an example for the next generation is extremely important for her so it was both a matter of personal choice as well as a desire to provide inspiration for the younger generation of cosplayers. Her first non-POC character was Blake Belladonna from RWB. As an added bonus, she told me a surprising fact. The creators of Dead Fantasy also made RWB 

Ahri Cosplay

Shockingly enough, she was also at Katsucon but unfortunately, we did not cross paths. Shes actually staff at this convention and speaks about some of the pros and cons of being staff at a convention. If you are interested in working staff, then you should definitely hear what she has to say. If you plan to do it just for the badge, then maybe working staff is not for you as a lot is required to actually become a staff member. Also, if cosplaying as multiple characters is your thing, then it’s likely not for you. 

Ishtar Cosplay

With regards to her cosplays, she actually makes the majority of them. Deciding whether to buy or make comes down to several factors including time and of course price. The largest factor that determines which you should do would be playing to your skills. If you know how to hand sow then go that route. You do not have to have a sewing machine to create that next beautiful cosplay or know how to create armor to get the looks you want. Work the skills you have and grow from there. But make sure you are committed as it can be a steep learning process. 

Nessa Cosplay

Zazie.Cosplay has spent easily 2 months on some of her cosplays so do know that this is not a race for the swift. There is so much more to this interview as always so make sure you give it a listen. I would like to thank Zazie.Cosplay as I really enjoyed speaking with her and can’t wait to hopefully meet her in person. If you also enjoyed this interview, feel free to leave a comment below and once again check out some past episodes HEREIf podcasts aren’t your thing, click HERE for my blog about all things cosplay. Well, that’s going to be it for today guys, until next time, stay BOUNDLESS!!! 

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