How’s everyone doing? Its been a while since I have a made a cosplay post but I finally got a bit of time to make one so here it is. In honor of black history month, I decided to create a post dedicated to the top 10 POC cosplays I have had the honor of taking over the years.
These are in NO PARTICULAR order and I will admit have a bit of bias because well… I took the picture. So, without further ado, here’s my top 10 favorite cosplay images over the years.

Starting at Number 10 we have Izuku, Midoriya from my Hero Academy. Unfortunately, I do not have the name of every single cosplayer on the list or every cosplayers Instagram so if you see someone you recognize from the list feel free to leave a comment below. I love this image and this cosplay because of the energy that went into it. This shoot was one of my favorite and I hope I meet this cosplayer again.

Coming in at Number 9 we have Walle West from the Flash. Several of you may be more familiar with Barry Allen but not as familiar with Walle West.
This shoot took place at Ichibancon and was one of my favorite simply because, I love Walle West. I rarely get to see him cons and more often see Barry Allen. So, a break from the Norm was nice.

Next up we at Number 8 have Lucio from Overwatch. I actually have the name of this cosplayer and its Wandering_chaos. He killed this shoot!
Energy, poses and everything from his props to his outfit were spectacular. I loved this shoot and definitely enjoyed the joint cosplay with Lilly Ariella we did a bit later. Feel free to check out those images HERE.

For Number 7 we have Sakura from card captors. This lovely cosplay was created by Hentaigirl82. Seeing this cosplay was awesome and definitely brought me back. I haven’t seen this series in forever.
Everything from the colors to the props an poses were spot on. I have taken several images of Hentaigirl82 before and look forward to taking more in the future.

The Number 6 spot goes to Scorpion from Mortak Kombat. Modeling this awesome cosplay we have ATLG03. This was one of the better cosplays of scorpion I have seen over the years and one of the better images I took.
Its also one of my earlier cosplay photos so I enjoyed how this image came out. Its great to see how far my images have and realize I am progressing.

Claiming the Number 5 spot we have none other than Android 17 & 18 from DBZ. I loved these cosplayers and these images. This was hands down one of my favorite shoots from AWA and was shocked when I saw them walking.
I mean, how could you not love these images. They are outstanding. Phenomenal cosplay by two Phenomenal POC cosplayers. Once again, I do not now these cosplayers names so please help me out.

Number 4, we have PandaLove23. Her cat woman cosplay was gorgeous. Im not goanna lie, I usually see the more “Revealing” cat womans cosplays and it was nice to see a change from the norm.
I also do not see that many Catwoman cosplays in general and it was nice to see a break from the norm. I havent seen this cosplayer at any other cons and look forward to our next meeting.

Taking the Number 3 spot we have this bad ass Grand MasterBushido Brown from The Boondocks. This awesome kung-fu master was always a pleasure to see in the series.
I love everything boondocks so seeing this cosplay made my day. I hope to see more cosplays of the Boondocks in the future despite how old this series. Gotta love the through backs.

At Number 2 we have Rosita the Hound from Black Lagoon. This cosplay was done by Stellaranebula and was the only Hound cosplay I have ever seen. I have seen lots on Instagram and Fb but none in actual person.
This shoot take place at AWA and involved multiple locations and poses. I have done several previous shoots with Stellarabebulaand this one just like the others did not disappoint.

At Number 1 we have Sephiroth by my_neverending_dreamz. I have to admit I have not beaten final fantasy 7 but have pretty much read the entire story and of course have seen this character in other games.
The one-winged angel cosplay was phenomenal and the matching LED lights made it all the better. I cant wait to take photos of Lamonts next cosplay as I am sure it will be amazing.